Monday, May 25, 2009

Mystery Jets - Half In Love (Unreleased Proxy Remix)

Not good enough to release? Don't know, but it's Proxy! & Yes! It's good! What else did you expect?

Mystery Jets - Half In Love (Unreleased Proxy Remix)


Gosh Damn said...

how did you find this? i've seen no mention of it at all on the internet- i'm also curious how you're sure it's proxy, i guess mostly because i'm on a computer at work and i can't listen to it yet...

Croz said...

not proxy...

Bran said...

i agree, this is fake- why is it on here? who told you it was proxy/

GIOOM said...

It's Proxy. Why the fuck would i lie? A Proxy fan gave it 2 me. I don't lie to the whole fucking internet..